How do I suggest a change or new feature addition to the Login Page UI Customizer?
You can suggest a change or a new feature to us on our official WordPress page. Or you can write to us at pluginteam@cloudredux.com.
Is HTML supported in the notice text field?
Yes, you can use standard HTML tags to customize your login page content area.
Is the Login Page UI Customizer translation ready?
Yes, the Login Page UI Customizer is translation ready. All .mo and .po translation files should go into the languages folder at the base of the plugin.
How Do I change the text of the Log-in form?
You can change the text of the Log-in form by provided Customizer option, Customizer▸Login Page UI ▸Login Form Text. You can add or edit the text to give your desired choice of content. And it’s done!
What type of images is supported by Login Page UI Customizer?
Plugin supports all MIME types supported by WordPress environment.
Are coding skills needed to use Login Page UI Customizer?
No, the plugin does not require any coding skills. However, there is an option to add custom CSS which can also be used to design the page. But, no coding knowledge does not hinder the experience nor it limits the design capabilities of the plugin user.
Are shortcodes supported in notices?
Sure, feel free to use any shortcode in the notice text field and it would output just fine on the frontend. Be careful while using shortcodes that output highly dynamic content. This may lead to performance bottlenecks or other failure.
Is HTML supported in the notice text field?
Yes you can use standard HTML tags to customize and set-up notices to your liking!
Can I disable global notice for one or more products?
If you want some of the product pages on your store to not display the global notice that you have set up, just head to the Edit Screen for the products(s) and locate the Global Notice metabox in the sidebar. Check that box to hide the global notice on that product page.
Can I show both Global and Per-Product notice on a product page?
Sure, if you have a configured a global notice to show on products and would like to display additional information, promo, discount notice or any other type of notice on a product page; you can simply head straight to the Edit Product screen for a product and add the notice. In this case, both the…